I'd love to explore available tattoo designs by location πŸ‘€πŸ—ΊοΈ

Visiting a new place, it can be a challenge to find artists with available designs, wanna dos or flashs.

Demo map

Let's start inking a map for the tattoo community.

Bring together artists and skin, based on designs and location.

Who's behind wanna.ink?

Hi, it's Philip, a tattoo enthusiast who loves to explore artists and designs while travelling. I started this as a side-project for fun. If you wanna learn more about me and my projects, checkout my website phoheisel.de.

Where to start?

The whole idea is to find and explore tattoo designs around the globe. For now, I wanna try to fill the map mainly around germany to learn from the artists how it can be valuable for them. Also, i'll be traveling around germany next year and it's more fun to launch a map that is already filled.

What's the motivation?

I came up with this idea because of my own struggle to find available tattoo designs while I'm travelling. Instead of wandering through a dense forest of instagram hashtags, studios on google maps, abandoned facebook pages and broken websites, I wanna make this as simple as possible by giving artists a "no brainer" platform and help lost souls like myself to connect with new artists. Oh, and I love to kickoff new side-projects to learn and connect.

Will you have to pay for this?

No. Signup for artists is completely free. And I don't have any other plan in my drawer. Will just try to keep this simple and low cost on hosting as possible.

So where is the map?

Well as I'm not to deep into the tattoo community yet, I'll first try to get some artists on board before launching the actual map. Feel free to subscribe my mailing list to be the first to know.

Join the map

Free sign-up for tattoo artists.

  • upload your designs to show up on the map
  • define the location(s) your tattoo designs will be shown
  • explain and link your personal way of booking
  • tell us about your general availability
  • give an individual intro about you and your work
  • link your instagram, website, studio or booking informations ...
  • email is needed to let you update or delete your entry later on

Create your artist entry

Free sign up

Tell an artist about wanna.ink


Mailing list

Become the first to explore tattoo designs on wanna.ink.

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We use your data only to send you updates about wanna.ink.
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